تحلیل گر ردیاب اکسیژن HACH LANGE
Gas type: oxygen
Measured value: trace
Gas type: oxygen
Measured value: trace
Gas type: oxygen
Measured value: trace
Domain: industrial
Domain: medical
Gas type: O2, NOx, NO, carbon dioxide
Gas type: oxygen
Measured value: flue gas, combustion
Measured value: gas
Other characteristics: with pressure gauge, for ambient air monitoring
Portability: hand-held
Portability: portable
Technology: electrochemical
Domain: for hazardous environments
Gas type: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxyde, O2, oxygen
Gas type: O2, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxyde
Gas type: oxygen
Measured value: gas, percent
Measured value: multi-gas
Other characteristics: compact
Other characteristics: compact, in-situ
Portability: portable
Technology: infrared, paramagnetic
Technology: TDL
Domain: process
Gas type: NO, SO2, CH4, CO, CO2, oxygen
Gas type: oxygen
Measured value: concentration, gas
Measured value: gas
Measured value: stack gas
Other characteristics: multi-channel, monitoring, continuous
Other characteristics: with pressure gauge
Portability: housed
Portability: housed, 19" rack
Portability: panel-mount
Technology: NDIR
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